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What we’re about

SharePoint User Group is now M365 Ahmedabad User Group.
Welcome to Microsoft 365 Ahmedabad User Group (M365Ahmedabad)!

This user group is for anyone interested in Microsoft Technology Stack - Microsoft 365, SharePoint, Azure, Apps Development with a great focus on Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Yammer, Microsoft Stream, Mobility, Security & Compliance, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI and related technologies.
Starting this group meet young and experienced enthusiast to share knowledge and learn from everyone.

If you work or have interest in the Microsoft 365, Azure  and Power Platform then this is the user group to attend and follow our events to improve collaboration, productivity, knowledge management and business solutions.

Join our group to keep posted about all the new events and workshops. Looking forward to have you as a member!

Please feel free to:
Explore the M365AHMEDABAD webpage

Follow the updates on twitter @M365Ahmedabad #M365Ahmedabad

Code of Conduct:
Purpose: M365 Ahmedabad User Group is committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for all participants, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other characteristic. This code of conduct outlines our shared expectations and guidelines for respectful and responsible behavior.
Expected Behavior:

  1. Respect: Treat all members and attendees with kindness, empathy, and respect. Recognize and value diverse perspectives and experiences.
  2. Inclusivity: Welcome and include everyone, irrespective of their background or identity. Avoid any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying.
  3. Consent: Always obtain clear and voluntary consent when engaging in any physical or personal interaction with others.
  4. Privacy: Respect the privacy of fellow participants. Do not share personal information without permission.
  5. Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and constructive discussion. Disagreements should be expressed respectfully and resolved in a civil manner.
  6. Relevance: Stay on topic during group discussions and activities, ensuring that they align with the group's mission and purpose.
  7. Mindful Language: Refrain from using offensive, sexist, racist, or otherwise hurtful language. Avoid making assumptions about others based on stereotypes.

Unacceptable Behavior:
The following behaviors are not tolerated within the M365 Ahmedabad User Group:

  1. Harassment, discrimination, or bullying in any form.
  2. Offensive, hateful, or discriminatory speech, materials, or actions.
  3. Invasive or non-consensual physical contact.
  4. Repeated disruption of group activities.
  5. Misuse of personal information.
  6. Stalking, threats, or other harmful behavior.

Reporting and Enforcement:
If you witness or experience any violation of this code of conduct, please report it to the group organizers. They will take appropriate action, which may include warning, temporary suspension, or expulsion from the group, depending on the severity of the violation.
Consequences for Violation:
Consequences for violating this code of conduct may include, but are not limited to:

  1. A verbal or written warning.
  2. Temporary suspension from the group.
  3. Permanent removal from the group.

Contact Information:
You can contact the group organizers Kirti Prajapati (
By participating in M365 Ahmedabad User Group, you agree to adhere to this code of conduct. Our group is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere where all members can learn, share, and connect with others in a respectful and welcoming environment.

Upcoming events (1)

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