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What we’re about

When a sacred sound such as one that comes from a singing bowl or gong is played the sounds are a form of energetic harmony that fills the room and then has contact with the individual that is receiving. In this circumstance there are many benefits. As harmonious sound fills the room, it also hits the nerve endings on the surface of the bodies that are present. These nerve endings allow for the effects of this vibration to penetrate into the brain and body. You are invited to a Crystal Singing Bowl, Gong and Sound Meditation so that you can experience these benefits for yourself.

Chanting and singing is another way to access the uplifting effects of sacred sound. We come together to share fellowship and to participate in the most universal way to achieve direct contact with joy, spirituality and higher states of energy. Show up to a Chanting and Song as Meditation group to practice and to play instruments.

Upcoming events (4+)

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