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What we’re about

Madison Heart Connection group hosted by Move with Madleen that offers heart connection themed events in the Madison area. All events are catered to creating a space for people to transcend the illusion of separation and come into connection with their body, minds, and heart so that we can come together as humanity. As someone who is first generation born Palestinian in the states, separation is something that Madleen has always experienced within due to the program of the outer world. It has always been her vision to create peace and by doing so she truly believe it starts from within. Everything Madleen and her co-facilitators offer are tools that have made an incredible impact her life. Some of these offerings are cacao ceremonies, yoga, Kirtan, movement, and singing. They have created opportunities for her to access and feel stored emotions, allowing her to open my heart to herself and, in turn, to the world. Connect with like-minded individuals and explore holistic practices to nourish your mind, body, and soul. Embrace the power of community and collective energy as we come together to transcend the illusion of separation.

Madleen looks forward to seeing you and connecting with you someday.

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