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[job] 👾Back-end Engineer – Madrid-based for a Silicon Valley company

From: José Vicente Ruiz C.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 7:24 PM

Hi, everyone! 

My name is Jose, I am CTO & co-founder at FounderNest. We are 🔝hiring a stellar back-end engineer🔝 to join our team. Here is what we offer you!

  • ⌨️ Node and TypeScript stack + Docker, Postgres, microservices architecture… and the freedom to choose what to use!
  • 👾 All sort of technical challenges and the chance to own key parts of the product.
  • 👏 A top-notch team!
  • 🇺🇸 Working on a product used by the best investors in the Silicon Valley.
  • 💲 30k€ - 50k€ for a Madrid-based position.
  • …and much more!

Interested? If you want more info, you can check the offer in our blog, or just contact me [address removed] and I will be more than happy to tell you more, so that you can decide if this the place for you 😄. Thanks for reading! (and sharing, if you know somebody who could be interested!)


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