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A little message on behalf of the plants of California ...

From: Lezlie K.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 1:07 PM

A political message on behalf of the plants - veggies, fruit, trees, cacti, seaweeds, rabbit brush - of California, the insects who pollinate, the wildlife that spread the seeds, and all of us who love them, grow them, garden, farm, and - of course - eat them.  Please pass this on... sing it, loud and if you can't, send this vid to everyone you know who votes in CA!  BB! Lezlie

"Tell Us What You're Growing" Label GMO Foods By Celia Download "Tell Us What You're Growing" at:


Lezlie Kinyon, Ph.D., 
Faculty, Cherry Hill Seminary, Pastoral Counseling Dept.
Editor: Coreopsis, A Journal of Myth and Theatre

Labyrinth Circe
Dedicated to Sacred Performance

Soon, oh soon the time
All we move to gain will reach and calm
Our heart is open
Our reason to be here

( Jon Anderson )


Lezlie Kinyon, Ph.D., 
Faculty, Cherry Hill Seminary, Pastoral Counseling Dept.
Editor: Coreopsis, A Journal of Myth and Theatre

Labyrinth Circe
Dedicated to Sacred Performance

Soon, oh soon the time
All we move to gain will reach and calm
Our heart is open
Our reason to be here

( Jon Anderson )