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RE: [Main-Line-Write] 2012 Programming

From: Joshua
Sent on: Monday, September 12, 2011, 2:24 PM

Any word on website stuff? If im going to have it done for November, I wanted to start soon…J


Also, I called megan, she never called back. Sadness. L




Joshua Steinhouse


[address removed]


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Gary Zenker
Sent: Sunday, September 11,[masked]:44 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Main-Line-Write] 2012 Programming


Hello Main Line Writing Group Members:

It may seem funny writing this in September, but it's time to start planning 2012 programmng! The remainder of 2011 is planned and locked, so here's your opportunity to once again weigh in on the topic of sessions for 2012.



While King of Prussia isn't the easiest place to get into at 7 pm, Michael's Restaurant offers a well lit and acoustically friendly private room, so I am keeping it the location for our ongoing meetings.



Everyone seems fairly pleased with the current program plan:

A monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of the month which consists of:

  • critique every other month
  • a program meeting (speaker or presenter on some writing related topic) on the intervening months


A special, longer format critique meeting on the fourth Thursday of the months where the regular meeting is programming instead of critique



That leaves us with six program slots to fill for 2012. At the September meeting (and the same night electronically) I would like to propose a series of topics for you to vote your interest on. To prep for that, I would like each of you to think about and offer me topics YOU would find interesting enough to attend a meeting. You can offer me one or a dozen: I will compile and consolidate them and offer them back to the group for voting. From there, I will arrange for the 2012 programming. Simple, right? All you have to do is send me your list before Sunday, September 18th.


THANKS for all of your continued input. I look forward to seeing your lists of interest and making the next year the best year ever.


Gary Zenker - [address removed]

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To learn more about Gary Zenker, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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