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Office Hours @cammakespace

Photo of Ward Hills
Hosted By
Ward H.
Office Hours @cammakespace


The goal of Office hours is growing businesses. The immediate objective is to gather people running, or thinking about starting, businesses in order to share best practice for exploring market potentials, planning, managing, developing, producing and selling product. The idea is to learn from each other in informal discussions, perhaps to float a few ideas, a strategy, or test some assumptions.

The format is open, flexible and very practical.

The best way to learn is from experience. Hearing how others worked through problems will allow you to learn from their experience, and they from you. Might save you from making the same missteps. It is not meant only as a one-to-one discussion. It works best when several people, each at a different point in the grow of their company, contribute with questions, information, and stories.

We often use “challenge format” to explore and solve business problem in about 30 min. Please do let me know, in the comments below or at
info “at”, if you want to present a challenge. All are welcome.

More about the Office Hours Group, what we will be talking about this week and have discussed can be found at our website:

Photo of Makespace (Cambridge, UK) group
Makespace (Cambridge, UK)
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