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Countries of the world DO NOT OWN THE ENVIRONMENT within its borders (for example, Brazil burning the Amazon rain forest for cattle raising, which is in fact (cattle) one of the mayor pollutants of the world and, therefore, one of and main cause of global warming; or off-shore drilling and many many others activities which are legal in a country regardless of how damaging it is for its own or faraway environments (detonating nukes, for example). Countries abuse freely because, in their belief (or rather, in politicians and Big Money believes), the environment belongs to each country within their respective borders (and is law of the land!) so they can do whatever fits best to their interest regardless of the damage to their own environment and of near of faraway environments). BAD SOVEREIGNTY is wrong, which ever way you want to look at it. Nobody owns the environment regardless of what man-made laws or regulation may say. BAD SOVEREIGNTY is a BIG AND TERRIBLE LIVING CONTINUOUS MISTAKE: THE ENVIRONMENT BELONGS ONLY TO ITSELF AND IT IS ABOVE ANY OTHER MAN-MADE POWER OR REGULATION. ABOVE the traditional powers of countries (Legislative, Judicial, Administrative). GOOD SOVEREIGNTY may be, perhaps, considered a new discovery in legal history. GOOD SOVEREIGNTY, if it is a new legal discovery, is the only living concept that can guarantee an environmentally future for present and future generations. In brief, BAD SOVEREIGNTY is perhaps the main cause of global warming and the ruining of our present natural and beautiful world. I propose to abolish BAD SOVEREIGNTY from all countries and accept that the environment is a power in itself above the traditional powers of countries . Until that is accomplished, the world will continue in its environmental downfall. GOOD SOVEREIGNTY is a project for active present and future generations, and I'm willing to teach them, as much as I can. I have prepared a screenplay (action based in Australia) which explains very clear the reason for BAD SOVEREIGNTY and how it can be abolished (screenplay shortly available, help accepted). I'm a retired Venezuelan lawyer and published novelist. My name: JORGE PARTIDAS A, living in México (telph 744 123 4513) and my mail: SOBERANIA.AMBIENTAL.GLOBAL@GMAIL.COM or JORGEPARTIDAS@GMAIL.COM.

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