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What we’re about

This outdoor and hiking group is evolving from the brutal, testosterone hikes like, Mt. Defiance and Table Mountain, to eye-popping, wonderous hikes that you may have never done. Maybe it's a bucket list hike for you. Some thoughts may be Tunnel Falls, Ape Caves, and Blue Opal Pool.

We are also going to go on some backpacking trips around the Pacific NW. We will have some planning meets at our favorite watering holes and restaurants for those discussions. All suggestions, thoughts, and schedules will be considered. The Wallowas Mountians are an initial backpacking thought.

Also, let's seek some hot springs around the Pacific NW. Oregon has a host of hot springs both, easy and hard, to get to. We may try Breitenbush Hot Springs Retreat for planning and a go-to hot spring retreat place. Idaho and Washington State also have plenty of hot springs spots.

So let's discuss all this. Outdoors and Beyond!

Feel free ask questions and suggest bold, unique, and wow hikes. We want to make this a safe, fun, and great outdoor experience.