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What we’re about

ManageOps is a new, regular meetup aimed at people working in technology leadership. You might be an engineering manager, a tech lead, or anybody else interested in how to run software teams and build technical excellence in your organisation.

Hosted by Steve Heyes of Birdie and Matt Andrews of the Economist, each event will feature an informal talk by a member of the engineering management community, with space for Q&A and discussion. We'll also open the floor to a round table discussion on a given topic each month (eg. recruitment and retention, salary banding and promotion, how to manage performance etc) where attendees can discuss their challenges and learnings and get feedback and support from their peers.

ManageOps is a safe space to discuss these issues in confidence – we want attendees to feel able to discuss things openly with their peers, so we're sticking to Chatham House Rule. We also have a code of conduct to discourage poor behaviour or anything that makes people feel unsafe.

We welcome anybody from any technical role or industry, whether you have management experience or are just curious about the role and want to learn more. If you want to improve your engineering leadership skills and meet peers across the West Midlands, then ManageOps is for you.