What we’re about
Interested in debating current affairs with a friendly and interesting group of people? Whether you're a seasoned debater or simply interested in hearing other people's views (while of course expressing your own!), this is a group you can get involved in. Each meet-up, usually held on the third Friday of the month, offers a dynamic discussion on four issues spanning global politics to local events. Members suggest the topics in advance via this site, and the debate itself is usually an informal and lively gathering of people from a range of backgrounds and political persuasions. Sound interesting? Then sign up!
We want to create an environment in which to have meaningful and fun discussions in which people feel safe to voice their opinions. In order to be able to do this there must be mutual respect within the group regardless of differing opinions. Please can members attending meet ups adhere to the following ground rules:
Please do
raise your hand when you wish to say something,
Where possible address the group as a whole
let whoever is speaking finish what they are saying and refrain from interrupting them
Please do not
heckle, ridicule name call other members
point at other members
raise your voice when speaking to another member
swear at other members.
hold private conversations whilst a member is speaking to the group
Zero Tolerance Policy
Manchester Debate Group operates within the laws governing hate-speech, therefore:
Racist and homophobic language will not be tolerated and anyone using these will be required to leave.
Repeated Use of strong expletives will not be tolerated and if used you will be required to leave.
In the event that you believe that a rule violation or otherwise unacceptable behaviour is present in this group, please direct a message one of the group administrators.
Our meetings are for discussion and debate not for confrontation. Dehumanising, combative or threatening behaviour/language is not acceptable.