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Inventors Association of Manhattan--2013

From: Bruce Z.
Sent on: Saturday, December 22, 2012, 8:17 PM

To the Members of the Inventors Association of Manhattan:

I would like to take a moment to introduce (and reintroduce) myself to you and to thank Patrick for his kind support in our leadership transition.

As a long time inventor and product developer I became an IAM member to share the lessons learned from my many successes and occasional humbling, yet instructive failures.

Now, as leader of this dynamic organization I’m excited to build on Patrick’s vision and bring great speakers, interesting Pitch Panel participants, knowledgeable professional members and timely information to our members.

I invite you to attend our next meeting on Monday January 14th in a great new venue with a phenomenal speaker and pitch panel presenters.  All details will be announced within the next week.

Until then, I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and successful New Year.  I look forward to seeing you soon.


Bruce Zutler


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