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What we’re about

Our Chapter Passed $1.8MM+ in the past 12 months! BNI members, on average, increase their business 20% the first year. Our chapter is a dynamic, committed group of business people who know how to refer business to each other. Just one person per professional specialty is allowed in each chapter. We may have open categories for individuals who will bring enthusiasm and integrity to our meeting.

We meet at the Osher Marin JCC at 7am on the first Tuesday of every month. All other Tuesdays, we meet at 7am via zoom. It is highly recommended visitors register in advance so we are able to properly welcome you to our chapter. REGISTER

Members learn invaluable marketing skills, develop confidence and improve their speaking abilities while actively engaging as referral partners for others in out chapter. Endless opportunities to learn and grow with BNI, the leader in networking leader.

Upcoming events (4+)

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