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What we’re about

Bringing together all people who loves Masquerade Balls.

Future events will have specific themes and dress codes.

Example: Historical ball gown/outfits, Goth, Victorian, Fantasy etc.

Ideas for themes are welcome from members.

There will be food catering, dance, music, games, best dress competitions, live performances and more.

Aiming to deliver a grand ball and breath taking experience.

Venues will include the beautiful Sydney Town Hall, Centennial Hall.

Special discounted tickets will be available for only meet up members.

If an event is cancelled by the organiser, members will get a full refund.

Requirements to join:

  1. Age 18 and over.
  2. Must have profile photo of yourself.


  1. Disrespectful, inappropriate and offensive behaviours will be banned.
  2. No shows, without explanation will be banned.
  3. Must change your RSVP within 24hrs if you no longer can attend an event.
  4. Obtain a person's permission before photographing, filming or posting such materials of them.


  1. By joining this group you agreed that the organiser/s of this group is/are not held responsible or liable for your safety, for any injury and for any loss experienced by you when joining or part-taking in any activities or events organised for this group. You also agreed to take full responsibility for yourself and any person you bring along, for your own safety/wellbeing and for any adverse event/s caused as a result of your action/s or involving you.
  2. By joining this group you also agree to the collection, storage and use of any media material of you and data about you, by the organiser/s for the sole purpose of marketing, promotion and organising of future events. E.g. photos and videos taken of you at events.