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Tonight's Meetup details changed: TCVN Successful OC Entrepreneur Panel

From: Scott Fox, S.
Sent on: Thursday, October 26, 2017, 12:11 PM

This Meetup has been updated. For more details, see the full listing:


Advice from Successful OC Entrepreneurs


[Dinner included! Use promo code PANEL to get $5 off!]

Thursday, October 26th, 6:00PM to 9:00PM
The Cove 5141 California Ave, Irvine


Join us for our October event featuring four successful entrepreneurs: Tara Hannaford | Founder of GoTYM Inc & Vice President of Sales at Casamigos Tequila An action-oriented sales professional, Tara has been a key player in successfully launching new brands in major markets across the U.S.. Ideation through execution she excels in expanding product distribution, identifying talented team players, and developing tailored sales programs by channel and territory. Tara specializes in cultivating long-term relationships that transcend company lines. Scott Fox | Startup Advisor/Executive, Serial Entrepreneur, CEO, Author, Angel Investor Scott Fox is a serial Internet Entrepreneur, 3x best-selling Author, Angel Investor, and Startup Advisor. He has founded, worked for, or coached hundreds of early stage ventures since raising his first VC round in 1996. These range from small lifestyle businesses based on his 3 best-selling books about Internet entrepreneurship to VC-backed firms to founding the digital division of a Fortune 500 multi-national company to high-profile celebrity-driven e-commerce properties. Today he specializes in startup strategy, business development, and scaling the operations of early stage companies. This is mostly for his own ventures, but also for some consulting clients, as a board advisor, as an online and F2F MasterMinds group leader, or for companies in which he’s invested. In Orange County he’s pleased to host #MasterMindsOC, a monthly startup coaching workshop series supported by sponsors like local law firms, Cox Business, and Silicon Valley Bank. Jeff Greenberg | Technology Executive, Entrepreneur, Startup Coach, Professor, Author Jeff Greenberg is a successful high-tech serial entrepreneur, trusted corporate advisor, holder of multiple patents, published author and professor of entrepreneurship. In his most recent venture he transformed an academic research project into a global multi-million-dollar business without requiring any outside funding. Greenberg earned a BS in computer science from Rutgers, an MS in computer science from UCI and an MBA from Pepperdine. Mark Lam | Founder & CEO at Pristine Group/Law Firm Mark is a global business executive, lawyer, and "100% renewables"/"zero building carbon footprint" advocate with successful track record. He specializes in devising and driving profitable business models, strategies, innovations, deal making, negotiation, litigating complex cross border IPR and business problems.
TCVN Member: Free! Email [address removed] for your complimentary ticket
Non-Member Pre-Sale: $25
Non-Member Day of the Event: $35
Student w/valid ID: $10

Food and Drinks Provided!

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