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next week selling out... Y-Combinator special guests

From: Scott Fox, S.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 22, 2017, 1:57 PM

Hi, Master Mind!

Accelerating your #OC #startup is what MasterMinds OC is all about.

So on Thursday 11/30, we're bringing SPECIAL GUESTS to help you learn about the world famous Y-Combinator startup incubator/accelerator program.

You'll get to hear "Things We Learned Doing Y-Combinator".  It's a short talk from the founders of local cyber-security firm, Templar Bit.

They completed the world-famous startup incubator program just this past summer. (I have seen them speak before and this is a great and very USEFUL talk for anyone involved in early stage ventures.)

PLUS, you can join us for all of our usual networking and the MasterMinds OC startup workshop Q&A. (Including free snacks, wine, and craft beer!)


You can RSVP here now on Meetup:

But be sure to BUY your tickets here, too:

PLEASE REGISTER SOON. No Walk-Ins because this will sell out again.


What would help you and your startup to learn more about?

Do you have questions about raising money, marketing, apps, legal issues, outsourcing, design, social media, business plans, angel investors, recruiting, SEO, hosting, product testing, security, or anything else related to startup life?

If you have a question that can help us help your business, I'd love to help you get it answered in this professionally-moderated workshop.

Use this little form to share it and you'll get a FREE ticket, too:


Stradling Attorneys at Law: Thanks very much to Azad Virk of Stradling Attorneys at Law for his support. Azad focuses on corporate, commercial, and IP transactions that can help your business. Come to the MasterMinds Meeting so you can meet him (and get some free legal advice!)

Devtonomy Custom Software Development: Thanks also to Vlad and Basil of Devtonomy. Come to the workshop so you can ask them questions about your software projects, and how they can help you grow your business.

And thanks to YOU for being part of the #GrowthOC movement. It’s great to see the momentum building for entrepreneurs here in Orange County!

Get your tickets here now:

Looking forward to seeing you on next week.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Scott Fox

p.s. A free RSVP on Meetup is NOT enough to attend. Please click through to visit EventBrite to BUY a ticket to attend this paid event before it sells out, too.

If you'd like a FREE ticket, please use this quick form to share a business question with the group for discussion:

Scott Fox
>> Host of the MasterMinds Startup Strategy Forum - See my books and more at!

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