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What we’re about

For those eager to join the MAXX Potential RVA Career Lab group, you are stepping into a vibrant community where ambition meets opportunity. This group is tailored for aspiring tech enthusiasts passionate about bridging the gap between learning and professional success in the technology sector.

Who Should Join?

Aspiring Tech Professionals: If you're keen to dive into the world of technology, whether it's coding, cybersecurity, data analysis, or AI, and are looking for a hands-on, interactive learning experience, this group is for you.

Career Changers: If you're ready to pivot into a tech career and seek guidance and support through real-world learning experiences, our Career Lab will help you transform.

Why Join Us?

Engage in Real-World Tech Projects: From building web pages to solving cybersecurity challenges, you'll get hands-on experience with projects that mirror real-world scenarios.

Learn from Industry Leaders: Our sessions are led by experienced professionals passionate about teaching and sharing their knowledge.

Network with Peers and Professionals: Make meaningful connections with fellow tech enthusiasts and industry professionals who can offer insights and mentorship and potentially open doors to new opportunities.

Pathway to Professional Growth: Attendees serious about their tech journey have the chance to apply to our full-time, paid apprenticeship program.

What to Expect?

Interactive and dynamic sessions, a supportive environment that encourages curiosity, fosters innovation and prepares you for a successful career in technology.