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New Meetup: Professor Joe Schwartz: "Why Obama is not a Socialist"

From: Simon
Sent on: Friday, April 16, 2010, 8:56 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for DC Democratic Socialists of America (DC - DSA)!

What: Professor Joe Schwartz: "Why Obama is not a Socialist"

When: Monday, May 10,[masked]:00 PM

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G St NW
Washington, DC 20001

Join DC-DSA for a talk by Professor Joe Schwartz: "Why Obama is not a Socialist, and, by the way: What is Socialism?"

Joseph M. Schwartz is Associate Professor and former chair [masked]) of the Department of Political Science at Temple University. He teaches courses in the history of political thought; contemporary democratic theory; American political development; race and American politics; and the radical tradition (and its critics) in theory and practice.
He is a past recipient of both the College of Liberal Arts Distinguished Teaching Award and Temple University?s Lindback Prize for Teaching Excellence.

Schwartz, beginning in high school with the anti-Vietnam War movement, has long been active on the democratic left, from the anti-apartheid movement in the 1970s and 1980s to the fight for a single-payer national health care system. He contributes to popular publications such as Dissent, Tikkun and In These Times. Schwartz serves as a Vice-Chair of the Democratic Socialists of America and is a member of the National Political Committee. He is the author two books, his latest being The Future of Democratic Equality: Reconstructing Social Solidarity in a Fragmented United States and published in fall of 2008.

Martin Luther King Jr Library is located at 901 G St NW, Washington, DC 20001 and is 2 blocks from both Metro Center and Gallery Place/Chinatown stops on the Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow, and Blue lines.
For directions please visit:
The talk will be in room A-9

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