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New Meetup: Gourmet Virtual Dinner Party

From: Nancy
Sent on: Saturday, December 5, 2009, 2:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vancouver Meatless Meetup!

What: Gourmet Virtual Dinner Party

When: December 20,[masked]:30 PM

Price: CAD35.00 per person

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Rather than go out to dinner, we're having a virtual dinner party. Check out the menu and see if you'd like to join us. Please read to the end. (All proceeds go to Earthsave Canada, a registered charity promoting a shift towards a plant based diet.)

The entire menu is vegan:

Tomato-Basil Bruschetta

Followed by your choice of soup:

Sweet Potato and Corn Soup


Arugula-potato soup

Followed by:

Lemon-Rosemary Seitan crepes served with a side of braised asparagus in a balsamic reduction and cauliflower-leek mash


Or Savory Cinnamon Root Vegetable Quinoa Pilaf

Followed by your choice of:

Winter Squash Risotto


Wild Mushroom Risotto

The main course will be a choice of:

Spinach and walnut pesto ravioli with cashew cream


Mango-butternut squash savory bread pudding

The dessert will be a choice of:

Wild Berry Cobbler


Chocolate Ganache Torte with Raspberry Coulis

To Drink:

Drink Specials: (all drinks 2 oz. alcohol $7)



Tom Collins

Wines ($6 per glass):

Blasted Church ?Dam the Flood (BC red wine)

Blasted Church- Bible Thumper Pinot Gris 2008

Non-alcoholic Drinks ($4.00):

Cranberry-lemonade (fresh squeezed)

Soy Chai

Location: Your Home--this is a virtual dinner party!
Price: $35/person plus drinks (you choose your price)

What does this donation support?

Earthsave Canada's initiatives:

?Vegetarian Directory of Metro Vancouver
?Meatless Monday Canada
?Taste of Health annual vegetarian food fare
?locally written newsletters
?speakers in schools educating on the consequences of food choices and the reasons to shift towards a plant based diet
?resource centre and lending library
?information booths in Metro Vancouver
?this Meetup group

Earthsave has only one part-time staff person (who is great!) so you know your money goes towards direct action at this mostly volunteer run charity.

Do you want to help Earthsave educate about plant based diets? It's easy. Just register for this virtual dinner party. You can choose the amount you want to pay. Drinks or no drinks. Guest or no guest.

All donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt. Remember, you will get some of this donation back on your taxes in April!

Why battle the crowds and the weather? Just stay home, relax, and support Earthsave Canada.

Learn more here:

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