What we’re about
We are a worldwide organization dedicated to transforming lives through meditation. At our events you will learn about the many benefits of meditation and how meditation can improve your life. You will also receive instructions on how to meditate and have an opportunity to practice this simple meditation technique. Anyone who is curious about meditation, wants to connect with a group to meditate together, progress spiritually or is simply curious about us is welcome to attend.
The meditation practice taught by Science of Spirituality is unique in its simplicity and effectiveness and is of free of charge.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Meditation Made SimpleNeeds location
This class will introduce you to the simple but powerful technique of Science of Spirituality Meditation. Meditation is your private retreat from the problems of the world – a place of peace and tranquility. Anyone can do it. No special clothes. No special postures–and you can meditate anytime, anywhere.
An experienced facilitator of meditation will guide you with techniques and strategies to help you learn to meditate accurately.
Please REGISTER Before 5pm PT| 7pm CT| 8pm ET Feb 12
https://www.sos.org/event/Meditation_Made_Simple_12Feb25/?prev=onlineYou will receive two emails from Science of Spirituality: one confirming your registration and another with a link inviting you to join the webinar
- Build a Meaningful Life, One Choice at a TimeNeeds location
So many of us ask ourselves—how can we find meaning in our life? We get up and repeat the same routine day after day—what are we seeking? Sitting in stillness is where we connect with the love and Light innate in us. It is the intersection between us and divine consciousness. This workshop is designed to support our spiritual quest as we start to question the purpose of life or how we can gain spiritually. It will also help boost our meditations so that we can fully enjoy its benefits.
Please REGISTER Before 5pm PT| 7pm CT| 8pm ET Feb 13
https://www.sos.org/event/SAS-Build-a-Meaningful-Life-13Feb25/?prev=onlineYou will receive two emails from Science of Spirituality: one confirming your registration and another with a link inviting you to join the webinar.
- A Journey to Detoxify your MindNeeds location
Do anger, frustration, or intolerance creep into your life? Would you like to learn to conquer these and create happy and peaceful relationships? It is possible to choose forgiveness over revenge and create your own inner harmony. Let’s explore these possibilities together.
Please REGISTER Before 5pm PT| 7pm CT| 8pm ET Feb 17
https://www.sos.org/event/journey-to-detoxing-the-mind-17Feb25/?prev=onlineYou will receive two emails from Science of Spirituality: one confirming your registration and another with a link inviting you to join the webinar.