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What we’re about

Come, Join us every Thursday night for an evening of meditation!
“If you have ever thought of experiencing the divine, if you have ever experienced a desire for silence, for truth, then know that the seed within you is longing to sprout. It means that some hidden thirst within you wants to be fulfilled. Try to understand that a very significant struggle is taking place within you, you will have to help this struggle and support it. You will have to support it because it is not enough that the seed has sprouted: a more nourishing environment is also needed. And even if the seed has sprouted, it does not mean that it will also bloom. For that much more is needed.”

“The more you long for the divine, the more is the possibility that the seed which is hidden within your heart will grow, that it will sprout and become the divine, that it will break open and it will blossom.”


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