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What we’re about

"I want to make foreign friends."
"I want to speak a foreign language."
"I love foreign countries."
"There are many foreigners living in Tokyo, but where can I meet them?"

Join us at MEET & FUN for vibrant home parties and events where you can effortlessly connect with foreigners and make new friends.

Meet our Organizers:

  • ABK (バーチョ): Hailing from Myanmar, Ba Kyaw infuses our gatherings with warmth and friendliness, ensuring everyone feels welcomed into our international community.
  • Khin(キン): A pivotal part of our team, Khin's hospitality adds an extra layer of warmth to every event, enriching the experience for all attendees.
  • Ed (エド): With his enthusiasm and organizational prowess, Ed ensures every gathering is memorable and enjoyable for all.

Our Motto: At MEET & FUN, we prioritize creating a relaxed environment for individuals to forge genuine friendships through shared experiences and meaningful conversations.

We're not your typical English conversation circle; instead, we provide a natural setting for learning English through enjoyable interactions with people from around the globe.

Looking to add excitement to your daily life? Interact with foreigners who bring diverse values and cultures to the table.

Many of our participants have formed instant friendships, so don't hesitate to join us!

Our website -

Thanks to everyone's kind feedback, we are proud to announce that we have been recommended in TripAdvisor.

Please refer to the link : Trip Advisor : Meet and Fun Tokyo

" 海外が大好き" という人は多いはず、


  • **ABK (バーチョ):**ミャンマー出身のABKは、暖かさと親しみやすさを私たちの集まりにもたらし、皆さんが国際コミュニティに歓迎されるようにしています。
  • **Khin(キン):**私たちチームの中心的存在であるKhinは、心温まるおもてなしで、全ての参加者の経験を豊かにします。
  • **Ed (エド):**情熱と組織力を持つEdは、全ての集まりが誰もが楽しく思い出深いものになるようにします。

私たちのモットー:MEET & FUNでは、共有の経験や意義ある会話を通じて、本物の友情を築くためにリラックスした環境を重視しています。





ウェブサイト -

詳細はこちら:[Trip Advisor: Meet and Fun Tokyo](Trip Advisor : Meet and Fun Tokyo)

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