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What we’re about

In times of economy uncertainty, it is important that business owners collaborate and look out for opportunities for each other through referrals.

We are a group of business owners and self employed from various trades who meets regularly to learn from each other, to build relationship and to look out for business referrals for each others. We welcome inspiring entrepreneurs and startups to come and join our family to grow the network together. Come and get to know more business contacts whom can potentially help you to expand your network and may be a potential business referral for yourself too.

What you can from this meetup:
- plenty of business contacts
- 30 sec introduction of yourself and your products/ services to the meeting
- open networking session to share more abt you and what you do What this meetup is NOT:
- This is not a platform for MLM companies' recruitment (nothing wrong with MLM companies, we welcome you but just respect the meeting and do not do recruitment on the spot. It never works out this way in any case)

Upcoming events (4+)

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