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What we’re about

Welcome to the Boise Enlightening Meetup Group, a community dedicated to exploring Awakening through the lens of Benevolent Dynamics. Our group seeks to understand the evolution of human consciousness and how it impacts our personal growth and spiritual development. Through discussions, workshops, and practices, we aim to deepen our understanding of Benevolent Dynamics and how it can enhance our spiritual journey. Whether you are new to Benevolent Dynamics or a seasoned practitioner, all are welcome to join us as we delve into the complexities of human consciousness and spirituality. Let's explore, learn, and grow together!
I am a Psychic who started on cold cases locally when I was 20's then I evolved to More cold cases nationwide. Later in life I had visitations from outside realms. I will cover who I am. And Why The Benevolent is so important to man in these latter days. I will introduce you to The Council of the Twelve on the Blue Star Ship and how they matter to each one of us. Then I will take questions. We will be live through a Zoom session. You will receive a link after you sign up.
You can just use your voice and or camera so I can see you also. All up to your comfort level. This is a safe place to ask me anything. My next events I will go into a channeling of an Elite where you can ask me questions live. It's my goal to be able to bring these Intelligent Species forward to Speak directly to you.

Upcoming events (1)

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