What we’re about
This group is intended to facilitate pickup soccer games throughout Eastside! All abilities are welcome!
Members can setup pickup soccer events. Be sure that if you set up a match, you have people bringing goals and balls or find field with goals.
We want to keep our culture of games going in the best way, so we wanted to send some basic ground rules.
1. We will not tolerate racism or discrimination in any of its forms in our games.
2. Our game is physical to a point but not violent. That is why we self-referee. If you feel that something has been a foul, then it is up to you and your team to call your own foul and that will aim to be respected.
3. Be honest. If we maintain trust and just keep check on each other that will make us have the best game possible.
If you have any issues with these or want to add something. We will welcome the addition as like we said we build this community together.
Thank you!