Don't be disappointed if you don't see a bunch of people attending. I advertise this on multiple platforms and the class usually sells out.
**If you don't use Paypal, email me at and we'll figure it out. You can pay be etransfer or with a credit card/cash at the venue.**
Improv comedy uses several techniques to create laughter. These include, creating an atmosphere free of judgement, saying 'yes', active listening, being positive, putting your focus on others, and the importance of play and laughter.
Not coincidentally, these are the same things that happen to us naturally when we are bonding with another person.
In this class, we'll explore these techniques not with the goal of being funny, but with the goal of being people that other people want to be around.
The teacher, Ralph MacLeod, is a co-founder of two independent improv clubs in Toronto - Bad Dog Theatre and Social Capital Theatre. He's been teaching improv for over 30 years. He also teaches these same techniques to several organizations including UofT, Google, Kraft, Shopify and many, many more.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have!
FAQs and Good To Know....
After every event, a group from this class sit down and have a drink together so be prepared to stay if you want! Of course, you don't HAVE to.
You also don't have to be single or bring a friend. The vibe of this class is much more 'making new friends' than a 'singles' mixer'.
We usually run to 8:15 so pay for extra parking!