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What we’re about

Are you interested in making a difference in your life and/or contributing to creating a better world? Come join us and experience powerful, life changing and liberating tools for exploring consciousness and changing the blueprint you operate from.

"With Avatar everyone wins. Every person who becomes an Avatar shifts the collective consciousness toward greater tolerance and understanding. Helping yourself with Avatar helps everyone else at the same time." – Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar materials. 

We'll be offering free Avatar introductions that you are all invited to attend and bring your friends. These evenings are powerful and transformational events where you get to explore your consciousness and learn how to make changes in your life. During these events we explore the concept of "belief precedes experience." 

To find out more about the Avatar course go the page tab or to:

To find out what people are getting from using the Avatar tools:

Please feel free to contact us anytime for a free Introduction by phone, skype or in person:

Glen: or (828)216-1964

Irene: or (828)216-1956

We look forward to seeing you at a future meetup!!

Avatar® and ReSurfacing® are a registered trademark of Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.