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What we’re about

Our group has the purpose of helping you overcome the barriers that stop you
from achieving your full potential, keep you from achieving your goals, rob you of your self-confidence, and leave you unhappy.

If you want to improve yourself but just can't seem to get motivated, or depression is
keeping you from living the life you want, this is the MeetUp you'll want to
be a part of.

Our purpose is to help you achieve your goals and help you eliminate the barriers that stop you from having the confidence you can achieve anything you set out to do.

Are you depressed and constantly plagued with negative thoughts? We'll show
you are the real source of that depression and those barriers.

We will be having weekly meetings that give you the secrets to having a more
fulfilled, happy life and being in control of your emotions and actions. You'll
learn what's really holding you back from the life you've always dreamed of
having. Our speakers are specialists in the topics we go over. They'll be
revealing what keeps a person from being happy, preventing you from
achieving your goals, and robbing you of true happiness. We'll introduce
tools that will help you create the life of your dreams and show you how you can
remove any obstacle preventing you from achieving genuine happiness.

This group is sponsored by the Church of Scientology Mission of Harlingen.