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Shy or Geeky living in London and enjoy deep conversations more than small talk?
Join us and see what happens!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Singles Tiki Social & Party in Clapham, Comp. Cocktail ! All Ages!Sugar Cane Bar, Clapham Junction
Host: Tem
*This event is a collaboration with other meetup groups and social networks and it will be well attended
*To attend this event you need to buy a ticket from
Single people mixing and mingling, partying and dancing in a tropical environment in the heart of clapham, while keeping their eyes open trying to spot that special one that will make their heart jump
Whether you are looking for a partner or just to meet and connect with other people who are at the same phase of life, this is the event for you!
You never know who you are going meet in this evening and that is the beauty of it! You may find a friend forever, a party buddy, a partner in crime or a partner in life!
Since this is a mix and mingle and not a speed dating there is no age range- in a social pool everybody is welcome and you can choose to speak to whoever you fancy.
Connect with like minded people and open your social circle, enjoy chatting about anything and everything, with those you like, for as long as you like
If you find somebody who you think you have a connection with, dare to ask their contact details right then and there... like the old times ;)
Oh! and you don't need to ask the awkward question: 'so are you single?' because they all will be!
You are very welcome to attend alone or with friends. We will be there making introductions, helping break the ice,, and act as a glue in the group.
We have a reserved area/table where we can mix and mingle, so that everybody can relax and feel comfortable and we get to know each other. and then we are going to move on the dance floor!
The program of the night is as follows :
7:30pm-9pm : Singles mixing and mingling
9pm: The music goes up and it is time for dancing. DJ will be playing a unique mix of hot hits of old school, latest top charts, and Commercial RnB!
Everyone arriving before 10pm receives a token for a complimentary cocktail (sugar cane rum punch)
Sugar cane is a tropical paradise of exotic private huts , adorned princes chairs, tiki statues, exotic flowers, lush green palms, bamboo textures, beautiful woven banana leaves walls and not to forget our traditional tiki face cocktail mugs, making it feel like you’re in the heart of Eden.
For those hungry Sugar cane is serving food as well
Dress code is smart/ elegant/ Smart Casual (smart dark jeans are fine but ripped jeans, sportswear, trainers/sportshoes and hats are not allowed).
For security reasons every guest must carry photographic ID with them (Driver’s License, European ID or Passport) independently of the age.
If you wish to be welcomed and introduced to other people by the hostess please arrive before midnight
How to find us: When you arrive please ask to be directed to Marianna's Events area/ Tem. Any issue on the night feel free to contact Tem: 07362716815
For general inquires or difficulties with your ticket booking feel free to e-mail us at benetoupromotions@gmail.com or call Marianna on: 07949526733
How to connect with us:
Like and follow our facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/mariannalandJoin our facebook group:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/453202104877514Follow us on twitter:@Mariannasevents
- Assertiveness, Setting Boundaries And Resolving Conflicts In Social SituationsStore Street Espresso, London£9.50
🟣 TICKETS AT THE DOOR ARE £15Buy tickets on this link - eventbrite.com/e/1119013923769
In this workshop Ryan explains how to reduce hostility in social situations, then how to set boundaries & defend yourself if necessary while minimising the chances of overreacting or that there is a misunderstanding. Including brain training exercises you can practice to be sharper in this area.
🔵 - How to defend yourself if trying to keep things peaceful isn’t working
🟣 - How to set boundaries in a healthy way
🟠 - Being reasonable so that you’re neither having your boundaries broken but also not overreacting potentially ending up becoming the hostile person
🟢 - How to deal with bullying
🔵 - How to manage emotions related to this area
⚫ - Brain training exercises designed to increase sharpness at this area of social skillsRyan has been coaching people social skills full time for over 10 years. As a quiet & shy person he wanted to work on his own social skills & after making huge improvements plus understanding how social situations work & how to improve he developed a process to help others for every area of social skills. He has helped thousands of people over the years to improve & now has a huge following including over 180000 followers on TikTok. More info on Ryan & Social Shortcuts can be found on the website www.socialshortcuts.com
After workshops we spend time hanging out together, a great opportunity to practice the workshop content & make new friends. Plus Ryan is happy to answer any questions you want to ask one to one.
🟢Workshop happening after this:
1. Creating Or Joining A Social Circle Workshop
Sun 16 Feb, 2025 5:45 pm BST in LONDON
Click to get a ticket - eventbrite.com/e/1119014625869In this workshop Ryan explains how to easily expand, create or join a social circle with the kind of people you want to hang out with plus how to maintain it long term. Ryan also gives some brain training exercises to sharpen your conversation skills to make conversations flow.
🟡 - How social circles function
🟤 - How modern society changes the dynamics of a social circle
⚪ - How to add to your existing social circle if you have one
🔴 - How to build a completely new social circle
🟢 - How to join one that’s already existing
🔴- Ways to make sure you hang out with the types of people you want to
🟣 - How to maintain your social circle over time
🟡 - Brain training exercises designed to increase sharpness at holding & maintaining conversationIn person workshops are at 40 Store St. - Store Street Espresso: London.
For any questions feel free to contact Ryan or Gabriel. Please don't contact the other group organisers as they are not involved in running the event & won't be able to provide much help:
✉ Ryan: info@socialshortcuts.com
✉ Gabriel: gabrielsocialshortcuts@gmail.comOTHER EVENTS LINED UP
🟡 Developing Humor And Quick Thinking In Social Situations
🟢 Persuasion Workshop
🟤 How To Manage Emotions Workshop5 minute documentary on our workshops - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rlbCYdeaws
We have a score of 4.9 out 5 on Trustpilot - https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/socialshortcuts.com
Our WhatsApp chat where we discuss social skill, give updates about our events & you can ask questions. https://chat.whatsapp.com/D3StbXpNxUL21T8jPXKI7W
For one to one coaching on social skills and also our free trial session - http://www.socialshortcuts.com
We have over 180000 followers on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@socialshortcuts.com
Our video courses - https://social-shortcuts.teachable.com/p/conversation-course
This workshop is intended for educational and or entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.Follow us on the sites below also:
http://www.socialshortcuts.com📜 Albert Ellis
📜 Being assertive does not mean attacking or ignoring the feelings of others. It means that you are willing to hold up for yourself fairly, without attacking others - Overcome People Pleasing-Codependency | Inner Child Healing- Ticket Link belowZoom Online, Telford£12.50
In this workshop Mark Stubbles, a hypnotherapist, CBT practitioner,
life coach, Master NLP & Mindfulness practitioner will discuss how
healing the inner child can help us to form for functional adult
relationships. After growing up in a dysfunctional family Mark struggled
with CPTSD, anxiety, dissociation, emotional flashbacks and emotional
Early bird, £12.30 off. 10 left. When they are gone, tickets go up to £25.
Book your space Here RSVPing on Meetup does NOT secure your place
After Your ticket purchase , Then Please send email at Soniapeterson1986@gmail.com , Then Zoom Invitation link to the workshop will be sent to your email address before the event starts.
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is suffered by prisoners of war
and children who grow up in dysfunctional families.
It is estimated that up to 80% of people grew up with some kind of dysfunction, growing up in such environments can cause us to suffer anxiety, lack of confidence and self esteem. It can affect how we relate to ourselves and others. If we don't heal these childhood wounds we are destined to reenact them.
Please Notice This is Zoom event and I Posted This Event on My Other Meet ups as well and we have Limited spot-
This workshop is for you if you suffer with:
If you go from one dysfunctional relationship to the next.
You are a people pleaser.
You just can't say no.
You would like to be a better parent.
Your partner has accused you of being abusive.
You keep attracting abusive partners.
You suffer with attachment anxiety.
You use sex, drugs or food to numb your emotions.
You have anger issues.
You try to avoid your feelings.
You have no confidence.
After this workshop you will:
Understand attractions of depravation.
Know what causes you to fall for the wrong people.
How enmeshment trauma may be affecting your current relationships.
Know how the inner child is affecting your friendships.
Understand the Karpman drama triangle.
Learn about CPTSD, enmeshment trauma, reenactment, projection and much more with a free hypnosis session to end.
Mark, sonia
- Letting Go Of Toxic Shame |Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse-Ticket Linkbelow8 Brookvale Rd, Telford£12.50
In this workshop Mark Stubbles, a hypnotherapist, CBT practitioner, life coach, Master Practitioner of NLP & Mindfulness will discuss toxic shame. After growing up in a dysfunctional family Mark struggled with CPTSD, anxiety, dissociation, emotional flashbacks and emotional regulation.
Early bird, £12.50 off , 5 left. When they are gone, tickets go up to £25.
Book your space Here RSVPing on Meetup does NOT secure your place.
After purchasing your ticket, please email Soniapeterson1986@gmail.com. The Zoom workshop link will be sent to your email before the event.
- Discover what toxic shame is.
- How it disconnects us from our emotions.
- How it makes us vulnerable to abuse.
- How it can make us feel like we don't belong.
- How it can affect our relationships.
- What to look out for so we can avoid abusers.
- How toxic shame makes us project onto others.
- How to identify a narcissistic person.
- What is narcissism?
- What creates a a narcissist?
“Shame as a healthy human emotion can be transformed into a state of being. Shame takes over one’s whole identity.” - John Bradshaw.
This workshop is for you if:
- You grew up with a dysfunctional family.
- If you have been accused of being emotionally or mentally abusive.
- If you repeatedly find yourself in abusive relationships.
- If you struggle to assert yourself.
- If you worry what other people think.
- If you are a people pleaser.
- If you struggle to put yourself first.
- If you suffer with anxiety.
- If you use sex, drugs or food to numb your emotions.
- If you have anger issues.
- If you try to avoid your feelings.
- If you have no confidence.
Workshop will include a guided meditation/hypnosis session
Please feel free to ask any questions at soniapeterson1986@gmail.com
Best wishes
Mark, sonia