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What we’re about

Valley Gun Group is a Pistol, Rifle Training, and Target shooting group with like-minded folks who believe in the 2nd Amendment and our right to Baer-Arms.
Indoor Gun Range - Discounted memberships Monthly indoor range time. Outdoor Training, Desert Shoots, notification of Gun Shows, and notification of 2nd Amendment events through the Valley.
Caswells Shooting Range in Mesa
We meet at Caswells Shooting Range on the 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 5 PM.  Normally we have 4 ranges that we share, paper targets ($1), and Ammo are available at the Deask, most of us will share our guns with each other.  There will always be an experienced shooter(s) at the event.   Safety is always First. After shooting, we normally go for Dinner at one of the Locally owned Restaurants. 
We are looking at having a summer shoot at one of the Digital indoor ranges, Drink a Beer.
C2 and Shooters World 
I'm happy to have someone organize a shooting date at C2 or Shooters World.
Outdoor Shooting & Training
We currently have two instructors who offer Postial training
Desert Shoot in Queen Valley
Twice a year, we try to have a Desert Shoot in the East Valley (Queen Valley), generally in early March and near the end of October or early November, depending on when the BLM reopens the range after the summer.  A few members are planning a Casa Grande shoot this spring and I would love to have someone schedule something in the West Valley. 
Targets at the Desert shoot
We set up several small-caliber targets for Plinking and large small-caliber targets from Dulling trees, Flip, and Paper Targets to Hostage taker targets. We also try to set up a few Rifle targets, 100, 150, and 200 yards.  
Ben Avery - Once every other month, we try to have a Defences handgun private Training with Rob Hart as our Instructor.  Out of the holster and two shoots in the thoracic cavity within 1.5 seconds.  Out of the Holster, with two shots into the Thoracic cavity, and on command one in the optical cavity. Rob also includes a CCW certfacatin with his 4 hour training class.