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What we’re about

Hi! To be upfront with you, I’m not a coach, and I'm not here to pay my mortgage.
What I am, however, is someone who has been happily hiding behind their safe, normal life for way too long—yet still knows deep down that there is something incredibly powerful inside, which has a heck of a lot more to create and give.

Hence I’m on a bit of a mission to find and drive towards the goals that all the books, all the podcasts, all the posts keep telling me about, yet honestly I find so impossibly difficult to reach.

Lots of personal discovery and exploration over the last 6 months has led me to the idea that the solution to this problem is in connections. Connections with like minded people who also recognise this frustration. It's all about finding genuine connections and creating an honest space where vulnerability is celebrated, thats why I’m here.
So, feeling stuck? You're not alone, so am I. Which is why I'm looking for my tribe – those people who share my frustrations with the challenge of applying the insights and learnings of the ‘personal development world’. That's why I've started this Meetup group, a place where we can come together every two weeks to connect, share our learnings and experiences, and support each other's growth.

The groups goals are simple yet powerful: connection, learning, insight, and accountability.

We will hold each other accountable for our goals and commitments, we commit to growing through learning, and take the time to reflect on our experiences, sharing insights that others can take value from.

While fear holds me back most of the time, experience tells me that in the unknown, there is real magic, and that's why I’m here.

If you're looking for a supportive community where you can be yourself, learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals, then this Meetup group is for you.

If this might be of interest to you, reach out, I’d love to chat and hopefully join me on this journey of personal and collective growth!

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