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What we’re about

This is a social group to bring Women Who Love Women together,  build a friendly, active over 18s WLW network in Hertfordshire and have fun!

Meet-ups are a great way to meet new people and connect so come along to one of the social events and say hi. We are a really friendly, welcoming bunch!

We have a great group of organisers, of varying ages, all of whom bring very different life experiences and perspectives to the mix.  In 2022 we are combining Sapphists Hertfordshire with Hitchin Sapphic Socials, and have added a mid Herts event organiser, so we hope you can find something for you not too far from home.  During the last couple of years, spurred on by the desire to address social isolation amongst our Herts LGBTQ+ community, we have enjoyed pub and meal nights, picnics, beach volleyball, book groups, walks, theatre trip, Hertfordshire Pride, North Herts Pride picnic etc.  Some great friendships have developed between some members, and we have been supportive just by being there for each other.

We hope that the group will grow and develop over time so please do chat to us about your ideas. If there is something you would like to see as part of this group then let us know.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Event Organiser Jacqui - Living in Brighton for almost 15 years I always felt part of a community as LGBTQ+ is part of the fabric of the city. It felt different when I moved to Hitchin so I started a local group to help people feel connected to a wider community and have fun!

Group Organiser Gillian - After discovering I am lesbian in my 40s/50s, I met and married a woman and moved to another county.  Returning alone to Watford a few years ago, I began to realise I had absolutely no connection with women who love women here!  I joined Meetup and Facebook groups, have enjoyed some great events, and have made many valuable new friends.

Event Organiser Sharon - I joined the group to socialise with like minded people and have made some lovely new friends.  I’ve enjoyed various nights out with the Sapphists ladies, from meals out, karaoke, book clubs, music to Prides.  Lots of fun and laughter to be had.

Event Organiser Jenny - I realised I was gay later than most people my age and then felt like I was the only gay in the village.  It seemed like all Lesbian/Bi events were in London and there was nothing in the countryside.  Going to my first LGBTQ+ Meetup was a game changer for me and this group has played a wonderful part in my journey.  So for me helping organise events is my way of paying it forward.  You couldn’t ask for a nicer group of people.