Our theme for 2025 is Growing Deeper, Rising Higher. As with any structure -natural or manmade - if we want to rise higher, we must also go deeper, rooting deeply into firm ground.
In February, we will, of course, look at Love. We tend to focus on the Law in Science of Mind, but the other aspect of the Divine is Love. Every moment we are creating, and we never create in a vacuum. Every moment we are creating with all beings (human and non-human) alive now as well as all who have ever lived. Every moment we are weaving and are woven into a great tapestry of interbeing. We are called, as conscious beings, to participate in the transformation of our world through a greater expression of Love.
As I uncover my hidden biases, thoughts, and stories, I can change the way I relate to the world, and I can participate in its transformation.
Our weekly Sunday Service explores ideas from many faith traditions and how to live practically as a spiritual person in today's world. We are based on the Science of Mind, (not related to Scientology) the work of Ernest Holmes, one of the best known New Thought teachers and writers of the 1900's. Music, meditation, talk, youth program. We are an open and affirming community for all. We begin with a 15 minute meditation at 10:30. The service, beginning at 11, consists of an opening prayer, meditation, music, talk, and an invitation to support this community. In addition to our in-person, we will livestream to YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgO1a71-xK5o8JL8vMaPbYA