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What we’re about

As a mediator and facilitator, I see conflict as a potential for growth and change. We each have within us a unique spark-a totally individual way of seeing and being. Most of us learn our conflict styles as young people, and rarely have the opportunity to rethink our patterned reactions as adults. Let me share my tool kit for responding to conflict, and growing from it, while together we rethink our learned reactions. We'll meet 2x a month to talk about conflict in our lives, and share skills and tools to grow and learn.

We will learn to:

Be confident active listeners.

Understand how to listen for and identify "needs" in daily and high stress communication.

Be able to name the motivations behind common conflict styles.

Recognize when creating a mental simulation of a potential conflict can help, and when it can cause you to overthink.

Identify the ways conflict has promoted growth in our lives.

I use LARA (Listen, Affirm, Respond, Answer) to demonstrate active listening; circle dialogue for shared experiences, insights, and questions; role playing to engage in de escalation and needs identification, and a toolkit of facilitation techniques to keep whatever sized group I'm with energized and engaged. We learn best when we're happy!

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