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What we’re about

we are leaving Meetup this month , we are now going to be here

Have you ever wondered about these questions?

Why are we here?
Is there a meaning to life?
Who am I ?
What am i seeking?
Why do I exist?
Is Reincarnation real?
Does Karma really happen?
Is what we see real ?
Does God Exist?
What is truth?
Is there such a thing as being in the " Now"?
Is there a point to Meditation?
What is Ancient Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity ,does it offer any answers?

What is the real meaning of life? People have sought the answer for thousands of years, and we as humanity in general have yet to find an ultimate meaning to life. It is as if we live in order to ask this most fundamental question in every generation.Is there an answer? Many claim to have found it,,Would you like to explore possibilities

Join us videos, and Chat

Is Truth a pathless land?
Are we here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness ?
What, then, is the meaning of life?

Join us videos, and Chat,Just bring an open mind, and some cookies or fruit :)

Upcoming events (4+)

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