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What we’re about

Let's be honest. You want more out of life than your peers. You may have tried to change them or are actively trying to change them with little to no progress.

You want more out of life and they don't.

Look, we need each other. Especially out here in the Inland Empire (I mean who is even out here).

If you want more, you gotta be around other people who do as well.

I want to be around people who think bigger. I walk to talk about LIFE in a way that helps us GROW.

I want to be around people who are actually care about doing something with their lives.

And I know you do too.

Now, this group isn't for people who want to talk theory but aren't taking any action.

You must be moving with a sense of purpose especially if you don't currently like where you are.

You must have a positive mental attitude.

You gotta be coachable.

This is for those drawn to adventure.

Those who thirst for bigger experiences.

Those who want to win with other winners.

These are the ingredients to a powerful mastermind.

So what do we do? We meet at the Riverside Library. Rent out a room and mastermind about life.

I show up prepared to make sure we get the most out of our time together.

There is no pitch at the end to sell anything. This is solely to come together to meet other winners.

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