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What we’re about

Let's grow together.
The best support for turning your passion into a profitable business.

Don't procrastinate on your dreams anymore.
Join my Mastermind group today!

Who is it for?
Have you been dreaming about starting a new project for a long time?
Do you have a hobby that you would like to turn into a profitable business?
Are you working on your project or business and do you sometimes feel alone?
Are you looking for a supportive environment where you can bounce ideas and get feedback?
Are you a startup founder or owner looking to level up your game?

If you've answered yes to one of these questions, you are at the right place!

What started as a "let's try it for 2 months" experiment has blossomed into a thriving 10-month community. For the past 10 months, we've met every Monday to push each other's projects forward, and it's been the best time investment I could have made.

I knew from the start that we'd support each other, but I never expected such incredible results:

  • One member secured partners and sponsors for her event in a single day.
  • Another member found the courage to ask for a share in her company and negotiated fantastic terms.
  • Another member doubled her income over the summer.
  • Another member launched a business and generated €13.5K in revenue within 4 months.
  • Within the Mastermind, we've also fostered 5 business collaborations and opportunities.

I'm starting a new cohort! If you've been considering starting a new project or you'd like support on your entrepreneurial journey, join us!

Upcoming events (4)

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