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What we’re about

Melbourne AI Enthusiasts aims to foster a vibrant community passionate about AI. Our goal is to facilitate knowledge sharing, innovation, and collaboration among AI enthusiasts, helping members stay at the forefront of AI advancements, and understand how to implement within their businesses.

Who should join?
This group is perfect for anyone with an interest in AI, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Whether you're a data scientist, developer, researcher, student, or simply curious about AI, you'll find valuable insights and connections here.

Joining our group means becoming part of a dynamic network dedicated to exploring the future of AI. You'll gain access to exclusive events, hands-on workshops, and discussions with industry experts. Enhance your skills, share your knowledge, and be inspired by the latest AI trends and technologies. Together, we'll drive the AI revolution forward!

This group is run by Jeremiah Mannings, Futuregrip Data & AI Consulting.