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What we’re about

This group is for everyone regardless of age and sexual orientation.

We run two different kinds of events.

  1. One-on-One events so you and the host can spend some serious time together enjoying your chosen activity
  2. Group events where many people hang out all at once to chat and take part in group activities.

Let's begin with the One-on-One events.
The hosts want you to enjoy your time out with them, which is why they want you to choose the package you think you will enjoy most.

Each event will have an activity at the top listing the package price. This will include all costs associated with the activity plus may contain extras such as food or drink.
What kind of activities can you do? The sky is the limit, as they say. However, the main activities people enjoy are often what is more difficult to do alone or hard to try with little experience when you don't have a friend to show you the ropes.
For example:

A gym buddy to help you with a simple training regime or with nutrition ideas or just helping to spot each other.
Dine and chat for those who prefer not to eat alone but really want to try the new eatery. Or are interested in good conversation while they eat.
Drinks after work or on the weekend when you need to get out. The problem is that your friend or partner has gone on a diet. Or maybe you don't know any good places and just need someone to show you all the good happy hour spots.
Sports that are better done with two someone who actually enjoys the game. Even better if they can give you some hot tips.
Jogging, trail walking, hiking, climbing are all fun activities you can do alone but might be more fun if you can occasionally do them with someone who knows new places you have never been to before.
Movies, gaming, mini golf and all the other easy but fun things you always wanted to do but your friends or partner just did not have the time. Now you can see your favourite movie and have the ticket bought for you and snacks paid for without having to think about it.
If there's something else you want to do, you can check out an event that is close to what you want, but not exactly right, and see if the host can alter it to suit your needs.

We will eventually run these events via our website, but the webapp is still in production:

Next, is our group events which is a better approach to meeting people and is in part in person, and part online.

You will need to attend the events if you wish to contact people who go to these events.
Please invite your friends to join. We need high numbers to make this work for everyone! Please also like our page to draw more people to our events! Facebook Friendly Connections. We also run online discussions on our Facebook Group so that you can chat about our events before you meet at the events.

From one of our members:
"I wanted to say a big thank you for running such a lovely group and being a great host. That's not my main reason for sending you this message. It is because exactly one month ago I met my beautiful girlfriend Amy Liu at the event you organised. And things are going well for us! This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't organised the event, made us feel welcome, and even introduced us! Just thought that you should know that you're doing a great job of bringing people together. Keep up the good work!"

Here's the basics about how these events run, then in more detail below:

• Meet everyone at the event, but do not ask to go on dates or get phone numbers. Friends only at this stage! Please talk to everyone, not just one or two people.

• When you get home, contact anyone you liked, by sending him/her a simple basic message via Meetup messaging service (top right - talking bubble icon, or click on the person to chat to). See below for a good messages to send.

• Reply to ALL messages sent to you within 2 days.
• NEW: OR, once the event has been running for 3 hours, you are then allowed to swap phone numbers etc., if you are hitting it off. Therefore, if the event began at 6pm, then from 9pm you are allowed to become more than friends. This allows everyone to chat and get to know each other without any pressure at the start of the night.


So now the why:

Well, if you've tried online dating there are negatives and positives:

Positive: You do not have to reject a person face to face.

Positive: You can learn about people before deciding if you want to go out on a date.

Negative: You can't learn about someone from a few bad pictures and random written facts.

Negative: It's too easy to be brushed aside among so many other people.

If you've tried singles events there are negatives and positives:

Positive: You can see what a person is like in real life.

Positive: You can talk to the person straight away without waiting. Which is better than a person not replying at all if it was online.

Negative: You first of all need to build up the courage to talk to someone while knowing that they know you are hitting on them and then also wondering if all they want to do is get rid of you (did you follow that confusing bit of information?)

Negative: You feel like a piece of meat in a gawking contest.

This new system will allow you to meet people in a social gathering without anyone actually having to strike up a conversation that leads to a date. In fact, it is strictly not allowed to "pick anyone up". That's right, when you are talking to the guys and girls at these friendly get-togethers, you are not allowed to ask/request a date, or swap phone numbers, or even go out for coffee after the event. That part is all done later, and online.

This unique idea then allows people to chat and be friendly at these events without worrying about being picked up, and without worrying about picking up. This is a social gathering to show that you are a real person that can talk and that you are better than your profile description and photo. This will also make your dating much easier.
After the event has been running for 3 hours, you are allowed to swap numbers, etc.
Later when you get home, you can send a message to a someone that you liked, and do this via Meetup personal messages. Note, you must keep to this basic message: "Hi, I really enjoyed the event today and thought you were great. If you would like to catch up for a cuppa or drink, let me know."
You can change this slightly depending on whether you spoke about something in particular to the person, and also include the person's name etc., but please do not change it a lot. Therefore, "You're hot, let's get it on", is a definite no no. Or, "I liked your legs, and now I would like to see the rest of you", is also not ok. Even, "Your lips were so perfect, all I wanted to do was kiss them", is also not ok.
Why? Because some people will find that too confronting. This is supposed to be a system where everyone can get along. Some people enjoy that kind of talk, others do not. Once you get a person's phone number or Facebook account (depending on how you both want to communicate), you can chat anyway you wish. For this system to work, you'll need to respect other people's level of intimacy.
A response to a message sent to you must be replied to. You are not allowed to leave people hanging out to dry. This is approximately the message you need to reply with.
If, yes: "Hi, I think a catchup with you would be great. Here's my number". (If you prefer to stay on Meetup and not give out your number, that's ok. You can also use Facebook and WhatsApp if you like.
If, no: "Hi, thanks for getting in contact. I'm happy to chat with you again at other events as friends, but I don't wish to pursue anything romantic. Thanks anyway". If you receive this kind of reply, please do not send another message and ask why not, or bug the person with another request. No means no people!
If, no because you have already lined up a date with someone else: "Hi, thanks for getting in contact. I'm already going on a date with someone from the event. If it doesn't work out I'll get back to you shortly".
If any rules are broken, there will be no first warning, you will be deleted from the group for three months. You may then contact this Meetup group again and ask to join again. I know that's harsh, but to make this an environment where everyone feels safe, I think it is important.

Please report messages that do not mostly conform to the above.
Please report people who do not reply to your message within 48 hours (approx 2 days) to your message.
Please report people who try to ask/request a date at an event.

Please report any behaviour that is anti-social.
There will be a cost for the event. This will then be partly paid back to you in drinks and/or food. The rest will go toward paying the fees to, and paying for any printed items as required.

"Aakriti, Good event, was good meeting new people :)"
"Richard, Thank you Mat, a very well organized function. Enjoyed "
"Michael Scollo,Thanks Mat. Had a good time."
"Mehul, Thanks Mat for a great Sunday afternoon."
"Simar, Thanks Mat for a great avo"
"Liza thopp, It was nice to meet you all. Thanks for an enjoyable Sunday afternoon!"
"JacintaThanks Mat for organizing a fun afternoon."
"Arl, Thanks Mat for putting together a wonderful event and thanks to all the friendly people too."
"Jill, Thanks for a great afternoon. Great people, great atmosphere, and prefect venue. Look forward to reconnecting with people at a future event"
"Kym Binney, Thanks for a lovely afternoon , I met some great people and look forward to our next catch up :)"
"Jill" Hi Mat. Thanks for organising a great afternoon yesterday . "Stephen Zammit"Hey Mat, just wanted to say thanks for organising yesterday. It was one of the better meet ups I have been to. Very well organised by you with lots of entertainment and great location. The group that attended was also very friendly and great. Great afternoon, look forward to the next one for sure.
"Bronwyn, "Thanks Mat, great event with an awesome group of people. Great to meet those of you who I managed to chat to, look forward to the next event and meeting more great peeps ????
"Canice", Thanks Matt for organising this event, I didn't know what to expect but it was really chilled with a no pressure atmosphere, looking forward to the next one. Thanks again.
"Amanda", Awesome bunch of people everyone willing to chat to everyone. Nice group of people