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What we’re about

Welcome to Melbourne's LGBTQIA+ social group! We are a vibrant and inclusive community celebrating diversity.

Whether you identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, or any unique expression, you're a valued part of our family. Join us for diverse activities, from exploring Melbourne's culinary scene to outdoor adventures. At Melbourne Queers!, our mission is to build connections, foster a sense of belonging, and promote unity within the LGBTQIA+ community, welcoming individuals at every stage of their journey

Melbourne Queers! is our revamped LGBTQIA+ social group, formerly known as "Gay - Melbourne." We're committed to maintaining the open, welcoming spirit that defines us. We highly value the work put into the group in the past and promise to do our best to keep it fun, inclusive, and vibrant.

Get Involved: Join our Facebook group to stay connected and be part of the conversation. We value your input! Let us know what events you'd like to see in the group and help shape our vibrant community. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and join us in creating unforgettable memories.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, let's ensure that our community remains a space of positivity, respect, and inclusivity. To make our interactions enjoyable for everyone, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following housekeeping rules.

  1. Respect Everyone: Treat all members with kindness and understanding.
  2. Inclusivity Matters: Embrace the diverse tapestry of our community.
  3. Consent and Boundaries: Always prioritize consent and respect personal boundaries.
  4. No Discrimination or Harassment: We have zero tolerance for discrimination or harmful behavior.
  5. Event Etiquette: Follow guidelines for each event and communicate responsibly.
  6. Constructive Communication: Express opinions respectfully.
  7. Keep it Positive: Foster a positive atmosphere and support each other.
  8. Promote Safety: Prioritize safety during events and report concerns promptly.
  9. No Commercial Promotion: Avoid commercial promotion without permission.
  10. Stay Informed: Regularly check group announcements for important updates.

Let's build a community that thrives on mutual respect and understanding. Your commitment to these rules helps make Melbourne Queers! a welcoming home for all. 🌈✨