What we’re about
This group is affiliated with the Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of Texas. We hope to develop a thriving community in the Memphis area which will ultimately be self-supporting. Until we do so, we intend to manage meetups on a local level with support of Myokei Caine-Barrett Shonin, the resident priest of Myoken-ji Temple and the Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of Texas. Each week we will hold services, offer dharma talks and conversation on fundamental aspects of our practice as Nichiren Buddhists. These talks come from various portions of the Lotus Sutra as well as from Nichiren Shonin's writings. Come and explore the richness of Nichiren Buddhism, its traditions and its culture and learn how we can apply this Buddhism to our daily lives. We use several ways to get the word out for our Sangha--because of this the "Who's coming?" RSVP may not reflect the actual number of people who attend our services. For further information, visit www.nichiren-shu.org/Houston