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What we’re about

TLDR: If you're a dude looking for new friends, give this group a try!

Lets face it once you get past high school maintaining friendships is not easy, whether you are single or not.  We move, we work, we go in and out of relationships, we go in or out of the military or school, the reasons are endless.  And some days you just want to chill with the boys and be a guy and talk like a guy and act like a guy and not feel like you are going to be dumped on for well, just being a dude lol.  That is the exact vibe I wanted and it is nothing I feel sorry or embarrassed about. So I decided to create a group for men to make new friends, network or just hang out and have some interesting conversations about anything that concerns men whether it be jobs and the economy, making money, mental health, fitness/hobbies/sports, or just about anything else you can think of.

The membership of this group is very diverse and very random, from early 20's bro's all the way to retired business exec's, from all walks of life, races, incomes, political views and anything else you can think of.... so you never know who you'll meet here.  I have no agenda and I am not selling anything, and unlike other men’s groups that seem to focus on life coaching, support, therapy, etc, this group’s sole purpose is to make new friends and maintain them with regular meetups - and if you do need support you can probably find that here too.

If the idea of showing up at a meetup where you don’t know anyone gives you anxiety don’t worry I had the same anxiety. But I am good at starting conversations so all you need to do is show up and I will start things off…. and I plan to keep them only 1 hour so it’s not a big time commitment. Come on guys, let's do this!

Upcoming events (1)

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