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What we’re about

Welcome to the Men of London Community Hikes! We are a group of like-minded MEN who come together to help each other experience personal growth, friendship, and stress relief while exploring the beautiful outdoors of London. Our hikes are a great way to release stress, challenge ourselves through endurance training, and make new friends.

We also focus on learning to eat and live well, making the most of our local surroundings, and embracing adventure.

Join us for an unforgettable experience filled with friendship, fitness, and fun!

This is a MEN only group to help curate a positive and uplifting environment for Men who may struggle to find opportunities to cultivate friendships and networking opportunities with other Men in the area.

I, Dylan, work as a Health Coach with men. In my years of helping others, I understand the common struggle most men deal with of making friends and physical loneliness in this digital world we live in. This group aims to provide in-person place to bond with others in the beauty of nature around us