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What we’re about

A men’s group that meets every second Tuesday of the month to provide a safe and supportive space for men to discuss their challenges, share experiences, and connect with others.

Men face a unique set of challenges in today’s society. These challenges can include:

Pressure to conform to traditional masculine norms: Men are often expected to be strong, silent, and self-sufficient. This can make it difficult for men to express their emotions and seek help when they need it.
Difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships: Men may have difficulty communicating openly and honestly with their partners and friends. This can lead to isolation and loneliness.
Stress and anxiety: Men are often under a lot of pressure to succeed in their careers and provide for their families. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout.
Mental health issues: Men are more likely than women to die by suicide. They are also less likely to seek help for mental health problems.

Support for Men
Christchurch Men's Group provides a safe and supportive space for men to discuss these challenges and others. The group also provides men with the opportunity to:

Build relationships with other men: The group provides men with the opportunity to connect with other men who are facing similar challenges. This can help men to feel less alone and more understood.
Learn new coping mechanisms: The group provides men with information and resources about how to cope with stress, anxiety, and other mental health problems.
Develop a stronger sense of self: The group helps men to explore their identities and develop a stronger sense of self.
Benefits of coming to our Men’s Group

There are many benefits such as:

Improved mental health: Men who participate in men’s groups are more likely to report improved mental health, including reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.
Increased social support: Men who participate in men’s groups have a stronger support network of friends and peers.
Improved relationships: Men who participate in men’s groups are more likely to have healthier and more satisfying relationships with their partners and families.
Increased self-esteem: Men who participate in men’s groups are more likely to have a stronger sense of self-esteem and confidence.
If you are a man who is struggling with any of the challenges mentioned above, we can help. The group provides a safe and supportive space for men to connect with others, learn new coping mechanisms, and develop a stronger sense of self.

Meeting Details

Christchurch MensLink Group meets the second Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 9:00 PM at 19 Sheffield Crescent, Christchurch. The website is:

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