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What we’re about

This is a group for everyone

  • interested in personal and spiritual development
  • who is interested in finding and maintaining a balance in their life
  • everyone who cares about their mental, emotional and spiritual health
  • everyone who wants to grow in their life, and would like share their thoughts and experience and learn from others.

From time to time, I would like to organize gathering focusing on different topics or aspects of life - lead by me or by someone else.

In past years, I've gone through some hard times, and have grown to a different person from who I was years ago. Pretty much as other, like-minded people, I have lots to share.

Here are just a few teaser topics and themes of upcoming meetups.
- find out how to stay in peace in this unpeaceful world
- discover the ways that help you to stay healthy physically, mentally and emotionally
- learn about other bodies (not only the physical one) a every human has
- how the law of attraction (law of resonance) works
- learn how to get the positive out of hard times
- discover all the chakras
much much more....