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atheist foreign exchange students

From: Randy W.
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2012, 3:55 PM




Dear Metroplex Atheists,

I was hoping you might be able to help.

I work for a non-profit high school exchange organization called AFS Intercultural Programs. We work with students who are 15-18 years old who would like to spend an academic year in the U.S.A with a host family and attend an American High School. We have a number of exchange students this year who we would like to place in the Metroplex area who are Atheist. As you might imagine, many of our host families are practicing Christians and expect their exchange student to come to church with them. Our students who are atheist are usually some of the last students to find host families.

I am emailing you to see if you might be able to help spread the word about hosting an exchange student via any newsletters you have, networks, members etc. We have many wonderful students this year who we would like to place with families with similar beliefs (either atheist or just non-practicing), so that it is a good match for the student and so that the student feels comfortable.

I am including some information on what it means to host an exchange student. I am also including some of the bios of the atheist students who are arriving this year. The students will be here from August 2012-June 2013. If a 10 month hosting stint is too long for some people, short-term hosting (3 months or a semester) might be an option too.

I thank you so much in advance for your help. I hope to hear from you soon!



Erika J. Dani
Regional Hosting Coordinator- South Central States

email: [address removed]
ph: (651)[masked], ext. 2912
toll free: (800)[masked], ext 2912
fax: (651)[masked]

AFS Intercultural Programs
2356 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114


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