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RE: [atheists-578] Meetup Cancelled: Arlington July 4th Parade

From: Ken H.
Sent on: Friday, June 29, 2012, 6:49 AM
G'Day Laura,

Gee, that's too bad but I'm certain it's not your fault so don't be concerned; should you gat any snarky comments they'll have to deal with me, LOL!

Look at it this way, we won't be getting booed along the way.  I really enjoyed the cheers we received at the Alan Ross Pride Parade, so I feel we must be there again, as well as the Fort Worth Pride Parade.

I think I'll just go to Willie Nelson's July 4 event at the Stockyards; love that Willie Nelson and have since about 1967.



Subject: Re: [atheists-578] Meetup Cancelled: Arlington July 4th Parade
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Thu, 28 Jun[masked]:59:00 -0400

It's OK, sweetie...air conditioning for all!!!

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Laura <[address removed]> wrote:
Mea culpa. I've had an EPIC FAIL. Our application for this parade was never received by the Parade Committee. I know I submitted it, but it was apparently lost in the mail.
MY APOLOGIES. We will be back in 2013 for this event.
- Laura Cox
P.S. Please, no snarky comments; I feel bad enough as it is.

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