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What we’re about

Board games / Trivia / Card games

Lots of gaming options including: bi-weekly Euchre, play a new board game, join a trivia team at a local restaurant.



1) We allow dues to cover two people if married /significant other.

2) Your dues and contributions are only used to pay our fees (it is not free to be a Meetup organizer), advertising to the local community, and running events.

3) All members must read and sign our Disclaimer & Liability Release Form:


This covers all events on for groups: “I want to do that, too!” and “Amazing Irish Sports and Hiking”. They are online activity platforms run by the members themselves. The Organizers and members will simply facilitate the gathering of people at the appointed meeting place and the group or member voluntarily takes part in any activity. Organizers and members do what they can to assure that the participants experience a rewarding trip. However, some of the activities are not without risk. These activities include but are not limited to: trivia, board games, eating dinner, dancing, theater, movies, bowling, volleyball, dodge-ball, hiking, camping, swimming, kayaking, and any other event specific to an individually planned trip. The same elements that contribute to the unique character and fun of these activities can cause loss or damage to equipment, injury, illness, or in extreme cases, permanent trauma or death.


I understand that Accidents can occur during travel to and from or on the activity site. It will be necessary to travel by motorized vehicle on public roads. Participants can slip or fall during any activity resulting in injury or death. Dangerous plants, insects, or animals can be found with harmful effects to some participants. Exposure to the natural elements can be uncomfortable or harmful. Meals are prepared over gas stoves or open fires. Sunburn, dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, heat cramps, wind, rain, use of portable toilet facilities or public restrooms, eating meals outdoors, being in the open for the extended length of the trip can be uncomfortable or cause injury. It is also possible that participants could suffer mental anguish or trauma from the experience of their injuries. Participants may have free and unsupervised time. Throughout the program, participants are responsible for their own safety, their children if applicable, and for the safety of other members of their group.


Before group, I have read and I understand the above statement on some of the risks involved in these activities and I assume full responsibility for myself, and, if applicable, any minors I bring with me, for any and all of these risks. I assume full financial responsibility for any physical damage I may cause to persons or property by me on the trip. I certify that I do not suffer from any ailment nor have any medical condition that would prevent participation in any activity I participate in. Attending confirms I am fully capable of participating in the activities involved. As a general rule, when an event is to be held in a member's private home, we will only allow established members (previously attended a meetup in a public place) approved by hosts and attendees. I understand that Organizers and/or Hosts reserve the right to refuse any person from participating in any activities at any time without specifying any reason. Should there be an issue or dispute as to the validity of any release I have signed, this document shall supersede any other document I have read and signed regarding my legal rights.

I hereby give permission for anyone to make any necessary judgment/decisions that may be needed at my time of distress, and to render necessary emergency medical care to me or my minor children. I hereby fully understand and acknowledge that I am solely responsible for my own welfare and safety and have waived all rights in regards to any legal action against the organizers and/or other members of events and any person under the meet up group. I agree to exonerate the organizers and any person under the meet up group and any other participants from any liabilities, claims, damages and compensation including but not limited to liabilities and claims as a result of any loss of life, injuries or disabilities, partial or full and or for damages arising thereof in consequence of any event resulting in loss, injuries and deaths or damages.

By joining this group, I confirm having read, understood and agreed to this Disclaimer, also published on the internet for each group at, and further agree to abide by the rules and all such terms and conditions that may be imposed hereafter by the Organizers in my interest and of the members and participants. I, of my own free will, for my family, my heirs and executors and myself, have read, understand and acknowledge the risks and liability for myself and my family.

Upcoming events (4+)

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