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What we’re about

(NOTE: No musical experience is required)

Hi! Join the Vocal Improve Choir to discover the hidden harmonies, sounds and rhythms that cannot be generated with technology or any other instrument besides our voice.

You do not have to be a singer, or musician, just willing to make sounds with other people. We will not be singing songs, we will be creating harmonies, rhythms and attempt to synchronise our voices in different ways. The music that we will create together may be transcendental and could have a hallucinogenic effect. This is a practice I have been participating in for years and now looking to bring it to a weekly Meetup with like minded people.

My name is Gad, I am a music technologist, working with companies that build music creation apps for mobile and VR, I am looking for a group to form a choir in order to make live music with no tools besides the human body.

Hope to meet and jam soon!