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What we’re about

Hey there, fellow road warriors! Welcome to the gathering of the throttle-twisting, wind-loving, and pavement-pounding trikers! Whether you're a seasoned rider or just revving up your engines for the first time, you're in for a ride of a lifetime with this group.

As we embark on this wild journey together, I thought it best to lay down some ground rules, or shall I say, road rules. So, brace yourselves for the thrilling announcement: we'll be cruising at the one and only, the legendary, the utterly thrilling... speed limit!

Here, we're not just a group of trike enthusiasts; we're a group united by our love for three wheels and the freedom of the open road.
We're adventurers on three wheels, explorers of the asphalt, and champions of freedom. Whether you're cruising the highways or carving through mountain passes, every twist of the throttle is a symphony of adrenaline and exhilaration.

So, if you're ready to join this wild ride with a group of like-minded souls, buckle up (or don your leathers), because we're about to embark on a journey filled with endless roads, unforgettable moments, and a whole lot of throttle therapy.
If you're ready to swap stories, share tips, and embark on epic adventures together, you've come to the right place!

So, fire up those engines, let's roll out, and let the good times and the trike tales begin!"

We wanted to issue a small disclaimer: we're the newbies to hosting this meetup group, although we were members of a trikers group a few years back.
So yes, that's right, the rookies, the greenhorns, the tenderfoots - you get the idea. We're still figuring out where the coffee machine lives and which button not to push in the elevator (apparently, it's the big red one marked "Emergency Stop," who knew?).
So, if you catch us wandering around with lost looks or accidentally replying all with a cat meme, please show a little grace. We promise we'll get the hang of things eventually. In the meantime, feel free to point us in the right direction, share your secret shortcuts, and maybe even spare a sympathetic chuckle when we inevitably trip over our own feet.
Here's to learning the ropes together and hopefully not causing too much chaos in the process. Thanks for welcoming us with open arms (and hopefully not too many eye rolls).